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TESTERS/CODERS = All LinuxHub code can be found @ $HOME/iso/releng/airootfs/etc/skel/.local/share/scripts/*
Everything that makes it work is there. All other folders and files
inside of the ISO folder are related to "ARCHISO"
Have Fun!

Install Arch Linux from a Live Environment without Calamares


Choose Version


All Desktop - Window Manager Environments Can be accessed on A Single ISO. LinuxHub Prime.

We recommend to use Belena Etcher to burn ISO's to disks or usb drives

Minimum system requirements:
Internet Connection
x86-64 Only
Memory/Ram: 2GB
Hard Disk: 30GB
Tested on Virtual Machine and Bare Metal
BIOS and UEFI tested!

Make your own Arch Respin with LinuxHub
User/Pass: "live" for all iso's

************************************** LinuxHub Prime v2.0.1 Official ************************************

First One First One First One First One fourth muscle First One First One First One
The following Desktop Environments are now active!
Awesome - BSPWM - Hyprland - QTile

************************************** All Desktops on A Single ISO! ************************************

  • Minimal System Requirements

    Internet Connection

    System: x86-64

    Memory: 2GB

    Disk: 30GB



    July 15, 2024 Updated to v2.0.1 Official. This series of LinuxHub is a multi version. It has Openbox, Budgie, Cinnamon, Deepin, Gnome, Mate, Plasma6 and XFCE all built into a single ISO. It can be used as a stand alone system or it can be used to build a custom respin to your hearts desire. I have been working on this one for a solid month or so and kept at it working out all of the bugs and little details. The installer is the same. Whatever desktop environment you choose is customized the LinuxHub way. I don't get any feedback on my spins so i can only work out bugs on my end. So if you get or find a bug. PLEASE do let me know either on the forum or on youtube. I need all the feedback i can get. Having all desktops on a single ISO will help out immensly in case i need to update systems. Now all i have to do is update a single ISO. This will greatly help me maintain the system up to date in a timely manner. Enjoy LinuxHub Prime.


All Beta Builds can be found here
All Legacy Builds can be found here

LinuxHub Screenshots

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Hey there

I review linux distros and also do linux tutorials, but mainly linux reviews. The way I do my reviews is from the point of view of a new user looking at a new system. My reviews are raw and unscripted with little editing involved. This way you and I get to experience it the same way. I wouldn't call myself a linux expert, or anything like that, but I know how to get around a distro or two. My main goal is to always look at it from a new user perspective. If a distro gives me issues, you get to see it. If it can be fixed, I'll try to fix it - else I simply move along. Apart from Linux related videos, I tend to post some camping and cooking videos from time to time. You may also catch me posting some movie trailers, but my main goal is always gonna be Linux content.